Our body is made up of anxiety to ple organs,each equipped with unique functions essential for our body to work properly. One such organ is eye which lets us observe the world visually. Moreover every organs performing observational tasks has an emotional response attached to it. For instance, a child with his mother has a feeling of care which he observes phonetically, visually and physically as he listens to the bed time stories, sees her smiling and being cuddled respectively. Therefore the significance of any of the organs can not be compared with the other.
But what if you don't have one. What if you are not able to read what I have written here. What if you are blind. Things become challenging right! The affected begin to develop their own way of dealing with such challenges. One such revolutionary solution was developed for reading texts on paper was Braille that zapped the inability of a visually impaired person to read.
Adding to this a Microsoft employee has developed something which could prove to be boon for the unsighted, a sun-glass which can read for you, watch for you, stare for you and can sometime even stalk for you.
Yeah I understand you are anxious to know about its working. Therefore to make things easier I have got a video for you. Watch it and possibly let those people know about it who are in need of this device.