An analog computers, works by measuring voltages and currents rather than by the process of counting. An analog computers works on supply of continuous electrical signals and display outputs continuously. Side rule is an example analog device in which numbered as expressed as distances. Another example of analog computers is a speedometer of an automobile which continuously displays outputs in the form of speed of the vehicle as it receives continuous signals. On the other hand milometer (displaying distance covered by the vehicle) is a digital device. Thus, an analog computer works by establishing analogy between two quantities one of which is essentially continuous like electrical signals or electrical pulses. The machine has a very limited memory and can perform only a certain types of calculations, which makes it specialized machine suitable for engineering and scientific calculations. An analog computer is basically a device for solving ordinary differential equations and can be used in solution of those problem which can be converted to a differential equation. The accuracy of these machines are low although these are faster in speed as compared to digital machines because all the tasks performed in this machine are in parallel.

Thus, we conclude an analog computer is a special purpose computer capable of solving any physical operation which can be represented as an ordinary differential equation. This computer is faster than a digital computer but can give an accuracy of not more than 99%.

Since analog computer is a special purpose device, so most of the computer are digital.In fact the word COMPUTER has become synonym of a digital computer.

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